2012-2013 school year
Fundraising Monies Earned
2nd Annual Walk-a-Thon: $4,131.03
Carnival: $3770.38
Chick Fil A Spirit Night $314
Where did the Money go??
Walk-a=Thon and Carnival Expenses: $1,627.05
Items purchased: Cinch sacks and water bottles; carnival game and partial bounce house rental; popcorn and cotton candy supplies
Pizzas and drinks for Carnival: $451.53Budget for Future Events:
Inspirations: $400.00
Spirit Week: $200.00
Literacy Week: $200.00
Red Ribbon Week: $200.00
Author Night: $500.00
Teacher Week: $300.00
Field Day: $100.00
Balance $4236.83
Still need to raise $5763.17 for the playground
Anticipated Future Funds to be received from Third Party Fundraising or Final Fundraiser Activities:
Other Spirit Nights
Box Tops
Campbell Soup Labels
End of Year Fundraiser
2011-2012 school year
Walk A Thon $2600.42
SpreeBird $849.88
Give Thanks Drive $552 in cash/check
Total : $4002.30
Walk A Thon
* T-shirts $453.00
* popcorn bags $40.64
Teacher Welcome Gifts $31.82
Scooter/hula hoop racks $127.78
Inspirations $312.26
Spirit Week $139.07
Literacy Week
* Books & Breakfast $147.59
* Activities $95.00
Thank you gifts (Miss Maybury & Rhodes Dough) $32.98
Book Fair supplies $49.94
Misc $7.44
PE/Recess equipment $1057.02
Moms & Muffins $168.14
Risers for Music Night $138.00
$921.84 spent on the following activities:
(Sorry, I could not determine separate expenditures based on the way these items got entered into the VO budget. Author Night could have easily cost around $500. Teacher Appreciation week could have been around $300.)
Teacher Appreciation
Field Day
Author Night
Total spent $3722.46
Balance: $279.84