Wednesday, February 22, 2012

November Newsletter

Endeavor Hall Volunteer Organization

November 2011

It’s hard to believe that the first quarter is over! We have heard so many wonderful things from parents and students about our administration, staff and curriculum. It makes us happy and excited to hear how much you are loving Endeavor Hall. If you would like to share any stories or thoughts about the first few months of school with us or with our Board of Trustees, please send an email to We’re sure the Board would appreciate hearing from you!

Thank You!

Our Spreebird email fundraiser was a HUGE success! We collected 1,397 emails which will turn into $1,397 our school will receive in January. Way to go! The money raised from this will help support events in the spring including our end of year Field Day.

We had a successful Halloween Carnival and are grateful for your help! Thank you for donating your time and/or candy & supplies for the games.

We are also grateful everyday to those who help with traffic & at lunch time. We can always use more help with these ongoing things. If you can help with even one day, please comment.


Has your child had a chance to join the Birthday Book Club? To celebrate their birthday, have them give a copy of their favorite book to our library. Or, choose one off of the school’s wish list. Birthday Book Club labels are available in the front office and in the library. If you have questions about this “club,” please comment.

The Green Fiber Recycling bin filled up super quick! Our custodian is working on getting it emptied so we can fill it again. Please be patient and keep watching for that glorious day.

We are collecting Box Tops in the common area by the front office. Simply place them in a baggie labeled with your child’s name & teacher to get credit for an upcoming contest. We will also be collecting empty Capri Sun pouches starting on Monday. The school will receive 2 cents for every package turned in. We’ve noticed that a lot of children have these with their lunches so know that the money will add up fast! There will be a box in the lunchroom for collection.

Volunteer Opportunities

Our library received a very large donation of books from the organization “The Reading Tree.” Volunteers have been preparing these books for our library, but there is still so much to do! We will be holding a Library Day on Saturday, November 19th from 10am – 2pm. If you are able to come help, even for just ½ hour, we’d LOVE to have you. Please DO NOT bring children. The more help we have with this project, the sooner our students will have an amazing library. Bring a sack lunch if you’re staying for the whole time. Thank you!

We have found that each day there is a child or two who for whatever reason has no lunch. With the help of a few parents, the school has provided for these children. No child should go hungry. If you would like to donate to this cause, you can drop items off with Mrs. Gorringe in the front office. Non perishable items such as, applesauce, fruit cups, granola bars, chips etc work. Anything that can be easily stored and easily passed out is perfect. Another thing the front office could use is a few spare uniforms for students who may need to change for whatever reason. Anything your child has outgrown already would be great.

In an effort to better support our teachers, we are looking for a “Room Parent” for each class. This volunteer will work with the teacher to coordinate help in and out of the classroom. If you are interested in filling this need for your child’s class or for our art & music teachers, please contact post a comment.

Upcoming Events

We are incredibly excited to join the Utah charter school art contest, Inspirations! Information will be sent home with your student on Monday or Tuesday next week. You can get ahead if you want by checking out their blog at We can’t wait to see what our students create!

"Give Thanks Drive"

As the VO Officers contemplated what to apply the monies that have already been raised and future monies to, we decided that the best way to maximize our dollars would be towards recess and P.E. equipment for the school and are excited to announce the "Give Thanks Drive!" The drive will take place from Friday, November 18th - Friday, December 2nd and items can be dropped off right at the school. This year's "Give Thanks Drive" will have three main focuses that our school really needs: P.E. Totes - the goal is to have one tote per class full of indoor equipment that the kids can play with during recess hours; Outdoor Equipment such as a portable dome that the kids can climb on or an airplane teeter totter, or both if we have enough funds; and a class Activity Book - the activity book will consist of laminated games and ideas that teachers can use right in their class rooms. Both items and cash can be donated to go towards this cause and the VO is kicking in the first $500! A specific list of items to donate along with additional instructions will be sent to you via email and home with your child on Wednesday, November 16th and VO Officers will be outside on both Friday, November 18th and Friday, December 2nd to take donations if you'd like to drop them off when you drop off your child to school. Stay tuned for additional exciting details in the days to come...

Casual Conversations Breakfast – Friday, December 2nd at McDonalds on 3500 S and 5600 W from 7:45am to 8:45am. Come for a friendly visit to talk about the amazing things happening at EH.

VO Quarterly Open House - January 26 from 7-8 pm in the school cafeteria

Please come and meet your VO officers and enjoy some donuts and hot chocolate while we discuss opportunities to be involved in the VO and answer any questions you may have.

Spirit Week - February 6-10

Get your Eagle pride on! Let us know if you are interested in helping plan a fun filled week of activities for the kiddos with lots of Eagle pride!

Literacy Week - February 27-March 2

Honoring Dr. Seuss, Read Across America Day, which is celebrated on March 2nd (Dr. Seuss' birthday), the National Education Association sponsors events to inspire reading in children throughout the U.S. We need volunteers who would like to help with the activities and events that will be part of Endeavor Hall's Literacy Week.

And lastly, if you are interested in joining the VO and haven’t yet, just leave a comment.

Have a wonderful second quarter!

Your VO officers,

Celeste, Pam, Chantelle, Debbie & Brittney

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