Endeavor Hall Volunteer Organization
November 2012
Hello EH families!The 2012-2013 school year has kicked off with a great start. We hope that you and your students have enjoyed the activities held so far this year and are looking forward to our future events!
The following is a summary of what we’ve done thus far:
1st Quarter: Carnival & Walk a Thon, Spirit Week events, SEP lunches and Scholastic Book Fair, Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night, and VO quarterly meeting
2nd Quarter: So far in the 2nd quarter we’ve had the Red Ribbon Week including Safety Fair/ Anti-Bullying and Drug Free and Stranger Danger assemblies. October 31st brought again our annual Halloween Carnival, and that was a great success. We hope that your students enjoyed these events. Our wonderful students and teachers decorated their classroom doors for Red Ribbon week. We are extending the voting for classroom doors until Friday, November 9th. Parents, please come in before or after school to vote on your favorite door. We have some very creative students and teachers here at Endeavor Hall!
Future Events
Inspirations: Inspirations is an art contest for charter schools in Utah. The theme for this year is “Beauty is...” The categories in which students can enter are: visual art, photography, musical composition, theatre, literature, 3-D art, film/video, choreography/dance, and digital art. You can see all the details at www.charterinspirations.blogspot.com. Entries are due to the front office November 30, 2012.
Free Vision Screening: We will be conducting a free vision screening at Endeavor Hall. We provide screening for many eye problems especially amblyopia or lazy-eye blindness, a condition which is the leading cause of blindness in children and must be corrected by the time a child reaches 7 years of age. If your child wears glasses be sure they are wearing the glasses at the screening. It will be held November 19-20, 2012.
Thanksgiving Break (No School): November 22-23.
Teacher Inservice Day (No School): November 26.
Volunteers Needed
Writer in Residence is one of the innovative programs at Endeavor Hall. As part of this program, nationally published authors are frequently at the school working with the students. We are in need of volunteers to help while the authors are here. This will provide you the opportunity to work with your students’ grades and with some of our authors. More than two volunteers are always welcome, though we can make do with two in each class. The more responders, the more attention and response each student receives--plus it gives experience to parents in how to respond constructively to their kids' writing. If you would like to volunteer to help with this, please sign up here: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/5080F44AEAF28A46-writer or contact Debbie Domenici at DebraDomenici@gmail.com or 801-634-5557. We need help with these starting on November 12 and the list is regularly being updated. Please check back often!
Room Parents: The purpose of the room parent is to help the teacher with coordinating parent volunteers, plan and organize parties/events/culminating activities and help the teacher to find creative ways to reduce their extra-curricular work load and involve parents. Most of this can be done from home. It is helpful for the teachers to have people make copies for them or help prepare items for the classroom, come in and read with the students, help with classroom enhancement projects (such as Colonial Days, Inspirations projects, Cinco de Mayo, etc.). The teachers could coordinate what activities they have coming up in their classroom and what donations or help they need for them or if they have an upcoming field trip. The room parent could then prepare the correspondence about what is needed, the teachers sends it to the families, and the families contact the room parents. This will help reduce some of the extra work that our teachers need to do. We still need room parents for the following teachers:
Jones 2nd Grade
Davis 2nd Grade
Vietti 4th Grade
Barnett 4th Grade
Gause Math
Daughtery Language Arts
Bankhead Careers and Technical Education
If you would like to volunteer to help with any of our events and have not had an opportunity to sign up yet, please send an email to DebraDomenici@gmail.com and we will add you to our list!
Other News
Cinch Sacks and Water Bottles: We still have EH cinch sacks and water bottles available for sale. These would make great Christmas presents! These are very nice and good quality materials, and can be used often in your students classrooms. The teachers would love to have students leaving their classrooms less often to visit the drinking fountain, and another reusable bag (or several) to keep handy are always useful at home or school! You may purchase cinch sacks for $10 each and water bottles for $5 each. If you are interested, please notify us at DebraDomenici@gmail.com and we can arrange to get these to you.
Facebook: We have two Facebook pages that you can visit to get up to date information about upcoming events and incidents at the school. Please “Like” the following pages to stay informed: Endeavor Hall and Endeavor Hall Eagle Power.
Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels: Endeavor Hall does collect Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels. We hold contests throughout the year to encourage donations. The jar will be by the front office. Please take the extra few minutes to trim the excess from the labels and logos so that we don’t waste money on shipping the extra weight. Place them in a small baggie with your student’s name and the teacher’s name.
THANK YOU! The Board would like to thank all of you for your donations of items and time to help with our activities thus far this year, especially our recent Safety Fair, Halloween Carnival and other Red Ribbon Week activities!
We hope you have a wonderful November!
Debbie, Anna, Jeanette, Stephanie, and Juliet
Endeavor Hall VO Board 2012-2013
Dear E.H. Families:
The Volunteer Organization needs your help! Please complete the following and submit to the school by November 15, 2012.
1. Fundraisers: We need to come up with another fundraiser to help us raise the necessary funds for our school playground. We need to bring in at least $17 per student. We need our final fundraiser of the year to be a huge success! Please let us know what you are most interested in for this fundraiser:
a. School Cookbook: Students would submit the recipe and a drawing of their favorite recipe. These would be compiled into a book made available for purchase. Families could purchase these and students can sell these to family and neighbors.
b. Sales: Students would sell items to family and neighbors. Items that could be sold are candy bars, cookie dough, wrapping paper, Scentsy candles, books, etc. Please specify what you would prefer to purchase: ______________________________________________________________________________
c. Monetary Donation: If you would prefer to donate money instead of purchasing something.
d. Other: Do you have any other suggestions for a fundraiser? _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. Communications: We want to ensure that all families are receiving our communications. Please let us know what is the best way to communicate information to you:
a. Email
b. Notes home with students
c. Facebook
d. Other: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Volunteer Incentives: In order for a lot of the activities at the school to be successful we need help from our parent volunteers. We understand that your time is important and valuable. Please let us know what would be a great incentive for you to come and volunteer at the school:
a. Reserved parking after school
b. Reserved seats for holiday programs
c. First pick for SEP conferences
d. Other: _______________________________________________________________________
4. Other Suggestions: Is there anything else that you would like to see the Volunteer Organization do this year? __________________________________________________________________________________
Student Name: ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________
Email Address: ___________________________ Phone Number:_________________________________