Endeavor Hall Volunteer Organization
October 2012
Hello EH families!The 2012-2013 VO has a lot of plans for the year, and we are excited to serve with you as we help our children learn and grow at this wonderful school. The 1st quarter has been an exciting kick off to a great year!
If you would like to volunteer to help with any of our events and have not had an opportunity to sign up yet, please send an email to DebraDomenici@gmail.com and we will add you to our list!
Food Drive We want to congratulate Ms. Fairbourn’s 1st grade and Ms. Maybury’s 5th grade classes for bringing in the most items during our food drive for Spirit Week. They received a pizza party for their great work!
Cheer We would like to congratulate Lindsey for submitting our winning cheer entry:
Write! Write! Write! That’s how we take flight! Gooooooo Eagles!
Great job Lindsey!October Events
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night is Tuesday October 16 5:30-7:30 PM! We are so excited to hold this at the Jordan Landing Chick-fil-A which is located at 7676 Campus View Drive, West Jordan, Utah. We held it at this location last year and it went incredibly well as a night to raise funds for our school! The school will receive 20% of all purchases. All funds received by the school will go toward the playground for our school! Fliers and stickers will be sent home with the students on Tuesday. These fliers or stickers need to be given to the cashier for the school to receive credit for your purchase!
UEA Fall Break is October 18 and 19.
End of Quarter Early Dismissal October 26, school will dismiss at 12:40.
Red Ribbon Week/Halloween is being held October 29th-November 2nd. We will be having a student Fall Safety Fair Monday October 29, Drug Awareness & Anti-Bullying assemblies Friday November 2, and of course our annual lunchtime Halloween Carnival October 31st for our students to enjoy! To volunteer for any of the committees for the events, please contact Debbie Domenici at debradomenici@gmail.com.
Writer in Residence is one of the innovative programs at Endeavor Hall. As part of this program, nationally published authors are frequently at the school working with the students. We are in need of volunteers to help while the authors are here. If you are interested in helping please contact us at debradomenici@gmail.com.
Other News
Room Parents: We still have a need for a few room parents. If you are interested in helping your student’s teacher with coordinating parent volunteers, plan and organize parties/events/culminating activities and help the teacher to find creative ways to reduce their extra-curricular work load and involve parents.
Playground: As everyone may have heard, our school recently was the recipient of a $15,000 grant from the Dr. Pepper/ Snapple group to use toward a playground structure. Part of the grant’s mission is to create a community centered project. This play structure will be planned and built by volunteers who are committed to our school. In order to accept this gift, one of the conditions of the grant is that the school needs to raise at least another $10,000 for the equipment by spring 2013. Of course the more money we raise over that, the larger the play structure will be. After our carnival, we still have approximately $6100 to raise or $10.16 per student. We are well on our way!
To that end, we have some EH cinch sacks and water bottles available for sale. These are very nice and good quality materials, and can be used often in your students classrooms. The teachers would love to have students leaving their classrooms less often to visit the drinking fountain, and another reusable bag (or several) to keep handy are always useful at home or school! You may purchase cinch sacks for $10 each and water bottles for $5 each. If you are interested in purchasing these, please notify us at DebraDomenici@gmail.com and we can arrange to get these to you.
Endeavor Hall Directory: We are putting together a Family Directory of our Endeavor Hall families. This free directory is to be used for school purposes only, and will only be distributed to Endeavor Hall families. Participation is completely voluntary, and not required, but the more who participate, the more useful it will be. You share as much or as little information as you would like.
This directory will enable you to contact other families:
- If your student forgot their book at school and needs to finish their homework;
- If your student is sick and wants to stay caught up with the class;
- So invitations for parties can be sent directly to classmates’ homes; or
- If you would like to schedule a playdate with your child’s classmates.
If you are interested in participating in our Family Directory, please go online to http://bit.ly/EHFamilyList and complete the information there by October 31st. If you have any questions, please contact us at DebraDomenici@gmail.com.
Facebook: We have two Facebook pages that you can visit to get up to date information about upcoming events and incidents at the school, such as last month’s gas leak. Please “Like” the following pages to stay informed: Endeavor Hall and Endeavor Hall Eagle Power.
Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels: Endeavor Hall does collect Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels. We hold contests throughout the year to encourage donations. The jar will be by the front office. Please take the extra few minutes to trim the excess from the labels and logos so that we don’t waste money on shipping the extra weight. Place them in a small baggie with your student’s name and the teacher’s name.
THANK YOU! The Board would like to thank all of you for your donations of items and time to help with our activities thus far this year, especially for our Walk-a-thon and Carnival, Spirit Week, SEP lunch, and Writer in Residence!
Have a wonderful month of October! Thank you so much for all your help!
Debbie, Anna, Jeanette, Stephanie, and Juliet
Endeavor Hall VO Board 2012-2013